Product portfolio


The grain and oilseeds trading division represents the core of the company. A significant part of our crop purchases come from Romania and Hungary, from a supplier base of over 450 producers, integrators and domestic and international traders. In terms of sales, the processing industry in Central and Eastern Europe is our main market strategically, but we are also present in both Western European and Black Sea export markets.

Product portfolio


In addition to the milling industry, our trading activities also support the feed and energy industries.


  • wheat
  • maize
  • barley
  • triticale
  • rye
  • sorghum
  • oats


The oilseeds we sell are mainly used in the production of edible oils and lecithin, and in the production of fuels.


  • sunflower seed
  • rapeseed
  • soybeans
Feed materials for the feed industry

Feed materials for the feed industry

Feed materials trading is a strategic sector for East Grain. Our aim is to ensure the highest possible level of raw material supply to feed mixers and independent livestock farms in the region. 

Our feed materials come from the following industries:

  • milling industry
  • oil industry
  • etanol and starch industry
  • soy derivatives
  • sugar beet pellets